报 告 人:
时 间:杨寅
地 点:2019年12月25日下午16:00
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报告题目:From Multiple to Massive Robots' Game -- Deep Reinforcement learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming Approaches时间: 2019年12月24日下午16:00地点:科教北楼102报告内容简介:Due to enormous diversity gain from a larger population, massive multi-robot systems have recently attracted growth interests from academic research societies as well as industrial companies. Thus, to find the op...
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报告题目:Towards Cognitive Big Data and Cyber Informatics: Real world case studies and emerging research challenges报告人:Professor Amir Hussain (Edinburgh Napier University, UK)报告时间:2019年12月17日,下午14:00-15:30报告地点:升华楼504会议室报告内容简介:Cognitive Big Data and Cyber-Informatics is an emerging discipline, bringing together complementary areas of neurobiology, cognitive ps...
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报告人:Francisco Jesús Rodríguez Sedano,Universidad de León (Spain)时间:2019年12月11日 上午10:00-12:00地点:民主楼小礼堂报告题目: The latest trends in robotics and automation: artificial intelligence, internet of things, collaborative robots, big data, and cloud computing报告内容: Roboticshave created a revolution in manufacturing.In just a few decades, industrial robots have become commonp...
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时间:2019年11月8日(星期五)上午9:30地点:民主楼210会议室报告题目:UAV-based Mobile Edge Computing and Communications(基于无人机的移动边缘计算和通信)报告摘要: with the advancement of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) edge computing and communications from the sky become possible and indeed provide an effective way to complement the current ground-based horizontal edge computing and communication...
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题目:玩转IEEE数据库,让你的科研操作溜起来时间:2019年11月6日下午4:00地点:民主楼小礼堂主讲人:周瑜玲IEL数据库培训师IEEE,美国电气电子工程师学会,是目前全球规模最大的科技专业机构。作为IEEE旗下最完整最权威的在线数据资源,IEEE/IET Electronic Library(简称IEL)提供了当今全世界电子电气,通信和计算机科学等领域将近三分之一的文献。其收录的期刊,杂志,会议论文和标准文档高达四百余万篇。种类覆盖电子电气...